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استيراتيجية القسم ، وتكون من ضمن القائمة الرئيسية
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Political SciencePolitical SciencePolitical Science

Provide students with the necessary scientific knowledge and useful information on the study of various political phenomena.

the message:

A broader understanding of the themes of political thought, international relations, comparative political systems and governments in a systematic and analytical scientific framework that develops their scientific abilities and competence in the field of political science and its various fields of knowledge


1. Prepare and qualify students in the fields of political science and provide them with a high level of knowledge.

2. Develop students' ability to analyze and predict political phenomena and developments.

3. Creating a state of mental intelligence through theoretical and practical linkage of local, regional and international events and issues.

4. Develop methods and methods of scientific research in political science and employ them to explain and analyze the various political phenomena.

5. Taking into account scientific standards in the development of education and quality control.

6. Striving to develop the scientific capabilities of the members of the Commission and teaching them and utilizing them in the educational process.  
Archaeology and TourismArchaeology and TourismArchaeology and Tourism


The best way to predict the future is to be part of it.


Leading ship and cognitive excellence in the field of Archaeological and Tourism.


1. The archaeological detection of human waste, conservation, study, analysis, and the development of information and the exploration of discoveries to identify human behavior in the past and present to the present person.

2. Preservation of the monuments as a human and national duty that reflects the history of humankind for future generations.

3. To provide the labor market with qualified, trained and competitive cadres at the national and regional level.




The department took its vision from the discussion papers of King Abdullah II Ibn al hussein that were like the map that show the way to the education development to keep up with the international outcomes, so the Department paid special attention for  the courses, the academic staff and university environment by developing it and focusing on the quality not the quantity so it goes side to side with the current time and the community needs, including the new teaching methods far from the old and traditional methods.


The Department of Social Science search in the most effective scientific ,systematic and knowledge ways so the student can use what they gained in this Department of theoretical knowledge in daily life, so they gain the ability and the qualification they need to face the changes in their community, and the faculty aims to achieve this mission through different majors the faculty teaches to motivate the students to have that critical view that helps them to the problems i the society from the researcher eye who looks to provide solution for these problems   


  The Sociology Department is one of the crucial departments that are concerned in the humanitarian studies of social service and facing the changes that occur in it,

seeking the creation of a generation with the ability of production, research and knowledge in Sociology Science and using it to find solutions for the community crisis,

seek updated academic programs to fill full the need of the labor market within the clear view for the current situation and the changeable need of the community,

create an academic environment that takes in consideration the quality and graduation of students who have the self–evaluation for courses they were taught,

the aim of the previous objectives feeds into granting the graduates with knowledge, skill and efficiency that allow them to fill full the needs of the local, regional and international labor markets.



Vision :

 We are looking forward to academic distinction on both the national and regional levels. It also struggles to improve the quality of education , and to cope up with modernity.

Mission :

The preparation of new national graduates  who are skilled and trained with the latest educational and historical methods who can cope with the job market needs. This can be obtained by applying flexible plans to solve problems using the historical science research


The commitment to the tolerant Islamic values

Establishing the freedom of expression and dialogue

Developing the sense of responsibility

Adhere to the obligations of the country   

Goals :

- Teaching the various subfields of history ( i.e. Arab. Islam. Global) throughout the multiple eras in order to understand the present and plan for the future.

-  Granting the BA, MA, and PhD scientific degrees.

-  Improving the syllabi to cope up with the job market, and the education quality which is based on scientific research.

-  Developing scientific research in history  using scientific methods and developing students' abilities of analyses and critical thinking

-  Rooting the national Arabic and Islamic identity, strengthening moral values and preserving their heritage.



- Achieving a pioneer role in the field of Geography and Geographic Information Systems.
-  Improving teaching Quality
-  Being distinctive amongst the other departments on the national ,regional, and global levels.


- Establishing a system of moral values and the commitment of  the rules of scientific trusteeship, encouraging creative thinking and freedom of thinking
- Achieving quality and assurance in education ,scientific research and community service by improving the students personality to enable him/her to be self-learner .
- Introducing selected programs that help the students to fulfill his/ her academic and personal  ambitions 


-  The continuous development of academic curricula to cope up with the   job market needs in the different geographic fields.
-  Improving the students' abilities of knowledge, understanding and application of new scientific curricula, In addition to mastering the basic skills of self learning
-  Adapting a clear strategy for scientific research by focusing on solving the community problems and environment
-  Publicizing the culture of quality   and encouraging  positive competition to improve the performance throughout the mutual academic dialogue.
-  Achieving the value of teaching this field of study by using the available sources and the investment of students abilities in understanding the environment   and deepening loyalty
-  Holding workshops and seminars for the academic staff to follow up with the latest scientific and technological improvements.

-  Satisfying the community needs by the distinctive scientific service for the department and conducting research to solve the community  and the environment needs.